Enhancing Overall Performance

CUF-WebOffice of Secretary of Defense, Personnel & Readiness, Information Management, Human Resource Management, Enterprise Architecture Collaboration Forum (May)
Guglielmo, Eugene 19nn – 20nn

Curiosity. The critical back-end part of the business runs on an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. Corporate line-of-business divisions create applications and services that emulate subject-matter experts (SME’s) that in turn interface with customers over the World Wide Web. These divisions control that aspect of the business. However, there is a common set of data that these divisions need to share to support their own subject areas. How then do the applications and services orchestrate their transactions to avoid unnecessary pulling and pushing of data to the back-end part of the business without overwhelming the resources and compromising its integrity?

Invention. The Common Update Framework (CUF) is an architectural implementation of the middle-tier of a three-tier architecture that orchestrates interaction among the back-end part of subject matter experts, known as subject processors. These processors understand the rules and dependencies across their respective subject areas and in turn provide their information in a cache-like structure to data access processors that front-end their respective databases. Scheduling and execution of these processors is performed by a controller that fundamentally mimics the controller in present day computers using the traditional fetch-execute-store cycle. The diagram shows an example of this interaction. Implementation. Java and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).